A CMS for the MEAN stack

Meanbase is built on Mongo, Express, Angular, Node. This stack is superior to the outdated LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). It provides faster page loads using ajax with AngularJS, can handle more traffic at once through Node and Nginx, and has a more flexible api for interacting with data (Mongo, Express, and Feathersjs).

Why it exists

Meanbase provides a relationship between developers and their clients that allows developers to have full control over the code on their site and allows clients to easily manage content without the need for the developer's help.

Easy for clients

Many popular CMS's struggle to be intuitive. Clients are usually busy, they don't have the time or the motivation to learn a complicated CMS and developers have to provide them training which wastes their time.

Meanbase has been user tested all along the way not by computer experts but by average users to insure they find the product enjoyable and easy.

Easy for developers

Building themes in for popular CMS's is confusing for developers and they usually don't provide a lot of flexibility. Meanbase is designed to allow the devloper to take a theme from say bootswatch.com, add a few attributes and elements to it to make it dynamically load data, perhaps have an angular directive for extra functionality and then have a usable template for your clients to manage. There's far less boilerplate code and the CMS elements largely stay out of the way of your html site.

Building the relationship

Now when a client asks for a site, developers can have a customized template quickly available, and trust that their clients will know how to manage it without much training.

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